A few days ago, we were assigned our first Visual Communications II assignment: to re-design some flyers that Rusty had collected off of campus. These flyers were very unattractive and were mostly just word vomit with some google images pasted in. Our first task was to re-design these. I worked on mine for far too long I discover, I spent a good 6 hours of my Sunday thinking/brainstorming/illustrating something that didn't even turn out to be that great. I get to class and to my dismay, mine got picked to be critiqued. I hate having my work critiqued. I realize it is a major part of the process, but it still sucks. Hopefully there are at least some improvements made from this past class period. I learned that, to be a good designer, you not only have to work creatively, but FAST. This has been quite a challenge for me. I also learned that my flyers were, for the most part, not very appealing. So, better luck next time.
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